The Best Way To Clean Area Rugs

The best way to care for your area rugs is going to be determined by their size, construction and material. Just like caring for carpet, you should vacuum your larger area rugs on a regular basis. If the rug is reversible make sure to vacuum both sides as well. You’ll also want to turn over reversible rugs about once a year to reduce wear and tear. If you have pets in the house you’ll most likely need to use a brush to get all of the pet hair off of the rug as vacuuming often does not get it all out. For smaller rugs, shake them outside on a regular basis.
If your rug has a care tag on it, make sure to read it and understand the correct way to care for the rug.
Braided rugs – If your braided rugs are small enough and the tag allows for washing, put them in a zippered pillowcase and wash in cool water on gentle. Tumble dry on a low setting and place them on a concrete or vinyl floor with an old blanket underneath. Use commercial carpet cleaning foam over the surface and follow product instructions. Finish the job by rinsing or vacuuming. Make sure the rug is dry before you put it back out.
Handmade, vintage, and oriental rugs – You can vacuum newer oriental rugs like you would carpet but if they are old and delicate you’ll want to protect the rug by putting a nylon screen over the rug weighted down with books and then vacuum over the screen. Also make sure to have them professionally cleaned about once a year.
Natural fiber rugs – Rugs made from materials such as coir, sisal, and rush have an open weave that allows dirt to reach the floor under the rug. Vacuum the rug on a regular basis and make sure to vacuum the floor beneath too. To deal with stains, protect the floor beneath it and use a soft brush and soapy water to scrub out the stain. Blot the area with a towel to dry as much as possible and then finish drying with a hair dryer or fan. Dry the rug as quickly as possible.
Sheepskin and fur rugs – Shake on unscented talcum powder to fur rugs and leave it for several hours. Brush it through the hair and then shake it out. Depending on the length of hair you might want to repeat this process several times.
If you are ever unsure of how your rugs should be cleaned give us a call and we will be happy to advise you on the best steps for proper care!